
Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Top Ten Characters You'd Like To Check In With

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted over at TheBrokeandtheBrookish!

1. Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.

I just want to know everything about their little family. Is their your house messy or neat? Do their children fight among themselves? What do they do after dinner? What do they talk about during dinner? 

If I remember correctly, Ron runs the joke shop with George. I want to see Ron working, his tongue giving a little click whenever Hugo slips something into his pockets. 

I want to see Hermione at her job, working for the rights of non-human magical creatures. I want to see if Hermione changes her tactics when she deals with the underprivileged because let's be honest -when she was still in Hogwarts her tactics with SPEW were a mess. She kept imposing her idea of what's 'right' without taking into account what the house elves felt. Remember how the house elves stopped cleaning the Gryffindor common room because of Hermione? Yeah..I hope she learns. 

But still, I love both Ron and Hermione to death and would love to see their life post-Hogwarts!

2. Susan from Narnia

The great injustice that is Susan not being able to return to Narnia. So yeah, I want to check in with Susan.

3. Amy and Nick from Gone Girl

Again, I just want to see these two twisted people living their twisted life. And how they deal with bring an innocent baby into their twisted life. 

4. Holden Caulfied from The Catcher in the Rye

How's Holden holding up? Is he doing well? Is he still a patron of strange motels? Does he still watch little kids on the carousel? Is 'phony' still his favourite word? Does he still feel distant from his parents? Is he eating enough? 

5. The boy and his Grandmother from The Witches

If I remember correctly, we left the Boy as a mice with his Grandmother as witch hunters. Doesn't that sound amazing? I just want to follow this duo, an old lady and mouse, hunting witches around the whole world. How crazily amazing is that? 

I'm only doing 5 because in most of them I had two characters as one. What characters would you like to have a little peek into their life post-book?

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