
Thursday 22 January 2015

HPMOTW: Best spot to chill at Hogwarts

This is a meme hosted over at uncorkedthoughts!

If there was one fictional place that I would just kill to go to -it's Hogwarts! Definitely Hogwarts. No question asked, I don't even need to think about it. I could be doing the dishes and someone come
s up and ask me, 'hey buddy, what fictional place would you most like to go to'. I don't even need to stop scrubbing the dishes or wipe my hands. It's Hogwarts.

Hogwarts has always fascinated me. A castle!! Moving stairs!!! Secret common rooms!!! Anyway, that long as intro is just to tell you guys that I had a hard time picking just one spot for today's moment.

Do I go with the divination classroom, what with it's cozy fireplace, drapes that block the sunlight and air thick with incense and perfumes. It sounds like a nice place to take a nap on a cold winters day.

Or what about the kitchen where the house elves will willingly and happily whip up any dish that I demand. I love eating and that scenario sounds like heaven.

Or what about the Ravenclaw common room! I'm a Ravenclaw. Here just listen to this description from the last book:
"...Ravenclaw common room was wide, circular room, airier than any Harry had ever seen at Hogwarts. Graceful arched windows punctuated the walls, which were hung with blue and bronze silks: by day, the Ravenclaws would have a spectacular view of the surrounding mountains. The ceiling was domed and painted with stars, which were echoed in midnight-blue carpet. There were tables, chairs and bookcases..."
Honestly, how cool does a "ceiling painted with stars" sound like.

Or what about the library! I'm a real book nerd (duh, if not I wouldn't have started a blog about books) and chilling in the library sounds like an awesome idea! A library with a restricted section to boot! Come on, everybody knows that for a library to be a cool library, it needs to have its own restricted section filed with books that give a blood-curling scream when you open it! Other than that, just think about the books that the library holds. Books about dragons, curses and hexes and potions and so much more. I would love to peruse the Hogwart's library for days on end. I just hope that Madam Prince, the librarian, isn't constantly breathing down my neck as she seems to do that a lot to the trio in the books haha.

You see my problem? So many cool spots to chill at Hogwarts. I just can't pick one. It's a feat in itself that I've managed to narrow it down to 4 places. My initial list had like ten spots in it.

What are your favourite spots to chill at Hogwarts?


  1. I'm totally with you on the library! Madam Pince is rather an annoyance, but I'd put up with her because...all of those amazing books! :D

    1. yea the pros of chilling in the library far outweighs the cons. in my head, I like to paint madam prince as a tired libraria who is fed up with school kids not taking good enough care of her precious books. haba

  2. I totally know what you mean! Of all the books I read in my life, Hogwarts would always be the answer to 'which fictional place?'. Always. Not even a blink!
    And I get your dilemma which place to pick! I was the same - library, RoR, common rooms?! Kitchen sounds awesome, I agree! So many amazing places, really. As long as I get to be at Hogwarts at all, it really does not matter. :D

    1. yes I agree 100%. Hogwarts is such a fantastic and magical place. I would even spend time in moaning myrtle's bathroom to /just/ be in Hogwarts.

  3. Hogwarts would be amazing. I would definitely want to see every single place that you could while going there. The library would be fantastic, but Madam Pince would drive me to hanging out someplace with a little less adults around. The Ravenclaw common room would be fantastic as well!

    1. 'little less adults around'....i am an adult...i'm too old for Hogwarts :o but yes how amazing does the ravenclaw common room sound!!!

  4. I would probably want to hang out in the Ravenclaw common room! That ceiling sounds amazing and of course, the bookcases sound nice. :)

    1. Yes, plus I'm pretty sure fellow Ravenclaws would be up to fangirling about books as well.

  5. I was thinking that I should paint my bedroom like the dining hall!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

    1. If you do, please do share some pictures as that sounds freaking awesome!!!
