
Friday 16 January 2015

HPMOTW: Scariest moment in the series

Harry Potter Moment of the Week is hosted over at uncorkedthoughts.

Ay, already my second week of this meme and I'm late. Anyway, a one day delay is not too bad. So this week's moment is Scariest Moment in the series. Words I associate with Harry Potter are more like magic, nostalgia, childhood rather than scary or terrifying. Harry Potter isn't really scary in my opinion. It has creepy scenes but nothing has ever made my bones jump. Also, I think it's harder to scare someone through words...creep them out yes but not outright make you scream kind of scary.

So, for this week I think I'm giving the scariest moment in HP to a scene from the movies. Now, this scene is in the books as well but watching it rather than reading it scared me more.

It's the part where Harry is in the Forbidden Forest and he sees a unicorn and a hooded figure drinking its blood. Malfoy drops the lamp and runs away, so does Fang. Harry, clutching his scar, falls down and the hooded figure approaches Harry. I think I was about seven or eight when I watched the first movie. I closed my eye at that scene. It scared little me.

It was the fact that Voldemort was being built up into this scary evil creature. Plus, I was a huge unicorn fan as a little girl and anything that harms unicorns triggers the fear alarm in my head. Not only did Voldemort harm the unicorn, he was drinking its blood! And the music by John Williams definitely heightened up the fear in that scene.


  1. I love the impact the music can have on how a scene hits you. I agree, this was a creepy scene and was filled of the unknown. We, as readers, hadn't encountered Voldemort yet. We also hadn't encountered the Forbidden Forest yet. It was all scary and had me on the edge of my seat. Great pick! Jaclyn @ JC's Book Haven.
